Monday, March 12, 2012


Allah ta'ala has set a system and pattern. The system is that Allah ta'ala will employ the individual as a means of guidance to others whose own life is in total conformance to the commands of Allah Ta'ala. Therefore, if the practical life of one who is involved in the effort of deen is in opposition to the deen, then he is in fact opposing the system of Allah Ta'ala and treading on a path of which Allah Ta'ala did not promise any help or result. Those who are enggaged with the effort of deen should align their lives to the commands of Allah Ta'ala and should have strong connection with Allah Ta'ala on the basis of this, they are able to connect others to Allah Ta'ala. Once we are attached to the work of Deen and the effort of guidance (hidayah) automatically our lives become public. it is now going to influence those around us. This is because the objective of the work of Deen is to present the practical Deen before the Umat. Hence, the first and foremost requirement is our lives conform to the shariah of Allah Ta'ala. Others will benefit from our effort if the requirement is fulfilled. This is Allah Ta'ala divine system which is established in the Holy Quran and should be borne in our minds at all times.

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